Jodi LaBelle

Jodi LaBelle

Creating songs that touch the heart and nourish the souls.

– Jodi LaBelle

About Jodi

Over a period of thirty years, Ms. LaBelle has written unique styles of Songs. Her Gospel Songs are very important to her heart, and she knows that they are her greatest achievements. Ms. LaBelle has experienced her share of disappointments in her life. The Pop cuts never came from Whitney Houston, or the jazz song, for the documentary of the Famous Minnesota Fats. Disappointments can also bring success in a different format.

The British networks produced a film that aired on, The History Channel. In different segment clips, one can find Actor/Songwriter Kris Kristofferson, Ms. LaBelle, and Harlan Howard.

“Freedom,’’ was written especially for, “The Bush/Cheney Presidential Campaign'”. Instead, Ms. LaBelle found herself donating it to The Military as well, which reproduced it around the world. The song, ‘‘Freedom,’’ with the music played a part in building up the moral of our fighting soldiers. Today it is on file with the Musical Tributes Section of the Defense Department. 

“A Child Of God,”A Survivor, A Mother, also a Business Owner. Today the YouTube Channel, iTunes, Apple TV & other Apple Segments, and many other platforms carries her music.

In the summer of 2022, Gary Rogers from the USA, also Maria DeVito Boutin from England, hosted interviews with Ms. LaBelle. Their websites are listed. 

One of Ms. LaBelle favorite Bible verses, Isaiah 40:31.

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. —Isaiah 40:31

This is an image of Jodi LaBelle.


From the beginning of Covid Pandemic, the Holy Spirit clothe me, and from the Biblical era, “Sarah,” was born! The first single release of Sarah, I recall asking God what’s next? I then found myself listening to testimonies of Truckers. I handed out over 400 cd’s of Sarah, given at no cost. I guess one might say that we were glad to be alive. Looking back, I think that God was testing me, to see if I would be obedient. Just recently a new cd of Sarah has been released, and the video is now finished. One night I fell asleep upon my Bible, and the next morning, my pen moved like silk.   (He planted my feet upon on solid ground and gave me words to songs that cried out mercy. I know that I’m not worthy of thee, Oh God thank you, thank you for loving me.) (Genesis 17:16) And I will bless her and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her.

Trail of Tears

The “Trail of Tears Song ” will take one back to another era of time. Maybe that’s why it has taken me over twenty years to pen this song. We can only imagine the suffering endured by our Indian Brothers and Sisters. First their spirits had to be broken then we took their land, most importantly their Freedom.

Our forefathers encouraged the different Indian tribes to become civilized like the white man. They had a dream that tomorrow some-how could belong to all man-kind. In time the pendulum now has swung as history repeats itself. The tribes of today have survived their terrible ordeal only to watch all different races destroy each other.

This is an image of a Native American.

Everywhere I Go

This song, “Every Where I go,” was born in the homes of our older generations. Who loves a smile, a hug and most of all, your time. The heart symbolizes God’s love, humanity and charity.

1 Peter 5:5 Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God” opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.

Another Life Worthwhile

“DIVINE INTERVENTION,” is the foundation of “Another Life Worthwhile,” inspired by God. This song will plant the seeds of life as it brings love with unity. Today statics shows that sixty million babies with unknown voices have died. Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, Before You were born, I set you apart. Special thanks to Andrea Owens for answering the call, in hearing the knock from God and becoming a co-writer of this special song.


September 11, 2001, commonly known as 9/11, America found themselves under-attack by a foreign power. Patriotism brought unity as all Americans united with compassion. Out of the ashes, the lyrics of, “Freedom,” gave birth. As this song traveled across the globe, “Freedom,” marched onto the battlefields with our soldiers. The USO became the center point, in having the power to take it global. An organization that was introduced by Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Ms. LaBelle donated this song to the military Department to help inspire our fighting soldier. It can be found in the archive of the Tribute Musical Military Department.

Halleluia Mercy

“Halleluia Mercy” by Jodi LaBelle is a soulful and evocative track that captures the listener with its heartfelt lyrics and powerful vocal performance. The song blends elements of gospel, pop, and R&B, creating a rich tapestry of sound that is both uplifting and deeply moving. LaBelle’s voice soars with emotion, delivering a message of hope, redemption, and grace. The stirring melody and compelling arrangement enhance the song’s spiritual essence, making it a poignant anthem of faith and resilience. “Halleluia Mercy” stands out as a testament to LaBelle’s artistry, showcasing her ability to convey profound messages through music.

We at Afeniforo Global Outreach Ministries are honored to endorse Jodi LaBelle and her organization, Another Life Worthwhile. Jodi LaBelle is an extraordinary singer and songwriter whose life story is a testament to the transformative power of God’s grace. Jodi’s journey is marked by resilience and faith, as she overcame the challenges of being orphaned, adopted, and subjected to abuse. Through her experiences, she has dedicated her life and music to serving the Lord and touching the hearts of children worldwide. Jodi LaBelle’s story is nothing short of inspiring. Despite facing the hardships of growing up without blood parents and enduring mistreatment, she has turned her pain into a powerful ministry that spreads love, hope, and faith through her music. Her unwavering devotion to the Lord and her deep love for children shines through every melody she sings and every verse she writes. “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” – James 1:27

“Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead
the case of the widow.” – Isaiah 1:17

“A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.” – Psalm 68:5

Jodi’s narrative and her music deeply resonate with the core mission of Afeniforo Global Outreach Ministries. We firmly believe that her artistic endeavors not only entertain but also enlighten the way toward embracing and fulfilling the biblical mandate to care for orphans and those in need.

We wholeheartedly embrace the light that Jodi LaBelle and Another Life Worthwhile bring into the world and stand in full support of their initiatives. Her life serves as a powerful example of the strength of faith, love, and community, and we are honored to stand in solidarity with her in the pursuit of providing hope and support to those without fathers.

Thank You So Much For Accepting My Invitation! Thank You Especially For Setting A Higher Standard And Leading By Example! Real Leaders Lead By Example. Real Leaders Surround Themselves With The Best And Brightest. You, Jodi, Have Proven Yourself A Real Leader! So Often, We Do Wonderful Work Never Knowing If Anyone Really Cares. Please Know, Jodi, That Someone Does…You Have Developed And Applied Your Talent, Education, Skills And Faith Toward Promoting The Good Of Others And Bringing Truth, Integrity, Enlightenment And Respectability To A World Where Truth, Integrity, Enlightenment And Respectability Are Always Needed… You Are An Example Of Our Very Best… You Are A Brilliant Part Of History… And I Am Very Proud Of You. Jodi, Please Know That I Read Your Profile And Visited Your Wonderful WebSite With Great Interest And A Sense Of Renewed Spirit… You Are Blessed With Extraordinary Talent, Insight And Achievement…You Make A Profound Point In Stating “Disappointments Can Also Bring Success In A Different Format”. –Such Was The Case With Me Many Years Ago…

Back Then, I Discovered Personally That Before God Could Get Me In The Surroundings Where He Needed Me, He Had To Get Me Away From The Surroundings Where He Did Not Need Me…

Indeed, Life Is Too Short To Be Little… And I Count My Blessings Every Single Day For My Parents, Teachers, Family, Friends… And For New Friends Like You, Jodi!

Jodi, I Believe That You Have Inspired More Individuals And Touched More Lives Than You May Ever Know… I Wish You Fulfilled Dreams, All Of Them.. I Am Honored That You Accepted My Invitation…

And I Love The HISTORY Channel And I Am Quite Impressed That A British Network Produced A Film That Aired On The HISTORY Channel Featuring Your Work In One Of Their Segments!!! Keep Up The Great Work!!! “But They Who Wait For The Lord Shall Renew Their Strength; They Shall Mount Up With Wings Like Eagles; They Shall Run And Not Be Weary; They Shall Walk And Not Faint.”

Isaiah 40:31. This Special Season, May The Blessings Of Divine Protection And Guidance, Divine Peace And Joy, Divine Health And Happiness Be With You And Those You Hold Dear Now And Always… With Sincere Gratitude And Appreciation… We Will Certainly Be In Touch… Keep The Faith And Good Works… God Bless You. – Mac NorFleet, NorFleet Archives, NorFleet Production, Fleetwood Mac

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